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Donate Collections

Lorraine Agtang (above) donating materials to the Welga! Filipino American Labor Archives.

The Welga! Filipino-American Labor Archive (WFALA) is currently accepting artifacts and documents in any format that relate to Filipino American Farmworker history. Materials need not be monetarily valuable, organized, “old” or related to a prominent entity or event in order to be historically significant. The Welga Archives is also looking for participants for our Oral History project regarding Filipino American farmworkers, farmworker activists and the 1965 Grape Strike.

Materials to donate
The Welga! Filipino American Labor Archives is currently accepting the following items: documents and manuscripts (correspondences, diaries, flyers, handouts, newspaper articles, memos, journal entries, family letters), photographs (any size, negatives, slides), oral history interviews (cassette tapes and transcripts) and artifacts and ephemera (AWOC and UFW regalia, buttons, strike banners, posters).

Scope of the materials
We are primarily looking for materials directly related to Filipino American labor history, particularly Filipino American Farmworker History.

For more information, please contact Allan Jason Sarmiento at