Home > Cannery Workers Library Guide
Cannery Workers Library Guide
Asian Women United of California, Making Waves: An Anthology of Writings By and About Asian American Women, 1989
Chris Friday, Organizing Asian American Labor: The Pacific Coast canned-salmon industry, 1870-1942, 1994
ILWU, The ILWU Story: Twenty Years of Militant Unionism, 195-
Tatsuya Fukunaga, “History of Asian Cannery Workers in the Pacific Northwest” 2004
Veltisezar Bautista, The Filipino Americans: From 1763 to the Present: Their History, Culture, and Traditions, 1998
Sam Kushner, Long Road to Delano, 1975
Digital Collections (Images)
Alaska Digital Archives, Image titled “Cannery crew, many of the Filipinos, who wrestled with the Yakutat men, ca. 1915 or 1916.”
Alaska Digital Archives, Images of Filipino Cannery Workers
Library of Congress, Photographs on ILWU
Louisiana Folklife Photo Gallery, Image of Shrimp Trawler
Seattle Civil Rights & Labor History Project, Filipino Cannery Unionism Across Three Generations 1930s-1980s, Photographs and Documents
Digital Collections (Archival)
Seattle Civil Rights & Labor History Project, Filipino Cannery Unionism Across Three Generations 1930s-1980s, Documents and Publications
Alaska Historical Society Blog: “Centennial of a 1915 Larsen Bay Alaskero” (Rodill)
Alaska Historical Society Blog: “MUG-UP: The Role of the Mess Hall in Cannery Life” (Ringsmuth)
Alaska History Society Blog: “One Alaskero in the Smiley Cannery Gang” (Grantham)
Alaska Public Media, “Tundra Vision presents: The Story of an Alaskero” (Bork)
The Alaskeros: Pioneers from Afar (Schoenfeld, The Juneau Empire)
The American Menu, “Diaz Cafe”
Anjuli Grantham (Anjuli Grantham is a writer, historian, producer, and museum professional who specializes in the history of Alaska's seafood industry.)
AsAmNews: “Filipino American History: First Asian American Settlement to Receive New Recognition” (Randall)
ASEAN Matters for America, “Louisiana Honors First Filipino Settlement” (Namur)
Folklife in Louisiana: “Mabuhay Pilipino! (Long Life!): Filipino Culture in Southeast Louisiana” (Westbrook)
Fourth of July, 1915: Looking Back at One Filipino Cannery Worker (Desrochers)
The Ketchikan Story Project, A True Frontier: The Early Pioneers
National Park Service, Stedman-Thomas Historic District
National Park Service, Stedman-Thomas Historic District 2
New Orleans, “NOLA Filipino History Stretches for Centuries” (Welch)
Seattle Civil Rights & Labor History Project, “Cannery Workers’ and Farm Laborers’ Union 1933-39: Their Strength in Unity” (Fresco)
Seattle Civil Rights & Labor History Project, “The Local 7/ Local 27 Story: Filipino American Cannery Unionism in Seattle, 1940-1959” (Ellison)
PBS Ancestors in the Americas, “1763 Filipinos in Louisiana”
Positively Filipino, “Pieces of the (Midnight) Sun: Sketches of an Alaskero” (Peñaranda)
Positively Filipino, “Life on the Bayou” (Astilla)
This Filipino American Life Podcast, “Shallow Shore Leave: How Filipino Cruise Ship Workers Carve Out New Spaces in Alaska”
Way Back in Kodiak -- Filipinos in Larsen Bay 1915 (Foreman)
Online Newspaper Articles
Alaska Humanities Forum, “Filipino Stories Exhibit Opens In Kodiak”
Alaska Public Media (October 2, 2012)
Angela Denning, “New downtown park showcases Petersburg’s seafood production past”
KFSK Community Radio, Petersburg, Alaska (Sept. 6, 2019)
Crystal Tai, “There are Filipinos in Alaska – they’re called Alaskeros, and they’ve been there for more than 200 years” This Week in Asia (May 5, 2019)
Feliks Banel, “A Seattle Murder Mystery Turned International Conspiracy”, KUOW: NPR (Oct. 18, 2015)
Jan Milo Severo, “Filipino ‘Alaskeros’ featured in Hong Kong”, PhilStarGlobal (May 7, 2019)
Rahwa Hailemariam, “Seattle’s notable moments in labor history”, Seattle Globalist (Sept. 3, 2018)
Steve Miletich, “Filmmaker, author sue FBI, seeking records about infamous 1981 Seattle murders", Seattle Times (Nov. 12, 2018)
Tom Wicker, “In the Nation; A Manila Connection”, New York Times (May 21, 1982)
Scholarly Journal Articles
Katie Hall, “Filipinos in the Canneries: Creating Ethnic Unity to Break the Contract System and Colonial Power”, Clio’s Purple and Gold: Journal of Undergraduate Studies in History (2011)
Michael Schulze-Oechtering, “The Alaska Cannery Workers Association and the Ebbs and Flows of Struggle: Manong Knowledge, Blues Epistemology, and Racial Cross-Fertilization”, Amerasia Journal (2016)
Norma M. Johnson, “Archaeology of Two Segregated Mess Halls at Shepard Point Cannery Near Cordova, Alaska” -- a Thesis, University of Alaska Research Gate (2019)
Online Newspaper Articles
“Asian American labor coalition slams attacks on union and HR activists in PH” Inquirer.net (September 3, 2019)
“Farm Union Opens Village for Aged” New York Times (June 17, 1974)
“The history of Filipino organizing in California”, KCRW (Oct. 10, 2019)
San Juan, Jr. “Excavating The Bulosan Ruins: What is at Stake in Re-discovering the Anti-Imperialist Writer in the Age of Global Terrorism”
- The Philippines Matrix Project (2014)
Erik Lacitis, “Seattle’s keeper of Filipino American History is an 87-year-old volunteer, and replacing her may prove difficult”, Seattle Times (November 3, 2019)
Gayle Rosamanta, “Why It Is Important to Know the Story of Filipino-American Larry Itliong”, Smithsonian Magazine (July 24, 2019)
Jerry Large, “Book fulfills promise to slain union activists”, Seattle Times (Feb. 15, 2012)
Karin Lipson, “Filipinos in America: Tangled Roots”, New York Times (Feb 24, 2012)
Michael Viola, “The Phrase “Go Back Where You Came From” Has a Long, Violent History” Truthout (August 18, 2019) -- ** Carlos Bulosan
Rahwa Hailemariam, “Seattle’s notable moments in labor history”, Seattle Globalist (Sept. 3, 2018)
Southwestern University, “Uncovering Hidden Histories”, Southwestern University (June 13, 2019)
University of Washington, “These 12 Images Capture US Labor History”, Futurity.org (August 30, 2018)
Scholarly Journal Articles
Belinda Aquino, “Ethnicity, Labor, and Politics: The Filipino Experience in Hawaii” -- Keynote Presentation
Belinda Aquino, “The Filipino Century in Hawaii: Out of the Crucible”, University of Hawaii Scholarspace, Filipino Centennial Souvinir Program (2006)
Benji Chang, “Larry Itliong and Pilipino Farm Workers”, Book: Asian Americans: An encyclopedia of social, cultural, and political history (2013)
Dan Boylan, “Crosscurrents: Filipinos in Hawaii’s Politics”, Social Process in Hawaii (1991)
Dean T. Alegado, “Carl Damaso: A Champion of Hawaii’s Working People: Social Process in Hawaii (1996)
Dean T. Alegado, “The Filipino Community in Hawaii: Development and Change” Social Process in Hawaii (1991)
- San Juan, Jr. “Carlos Bulosan, Filipino Writer-Activist: Between a Time of Terror and a Time of Revolution”, The New Centennial Review (2008)
Jeffrey Santa Ana, “Emotional Labor of Racialization: Carlos Bulosan’s Anger as a Critique of Filipino Alienation in America”Journal of Asian American Studies (2016)
John D. Nonato, “Finding Manilatown: The Search for Seattle’s Filipino American Community, 1896-2016” -- A Senior Paper, UW Tacoma Digital Commons (2016)
Krista Baylon Sorenson, “Shallow Roots: An Analysis of Filipino Immigrant Labor in Seattle from 1920-1940”, Butler University Digital Commons (2011)
Ligaya Rene Domingo, “Building a Movement: Filipino American Union and Community Organizing in Seattle in the 1970s” -- PhD Dissertation, UC Open Access Publications (2010)
Marc-Tizoc Gonzalez, “Critical Ethnic Legal Histories: Unearthing the Interracial Justice of Filipino American Agricultural Labor Organizing”, UC Irvine Law Review (2013)
Matthew Klingle, “A History Bursting with Telling: Asian Americans in Washington State” -- A Curriculum Project for Washington Schools, UWired (---)
Michael McCann, “Inclusion, Exclusion, and the Politics of Rights Mobilization: Reflections on the Asian American Experience”, Seattle Journal for Social Justice (July 1, 2012)
Michael Haas, “Filipinos in Hawaii and Institutional Racism”, Philippine Sociological Review (1984)
Michael Viola, “Carlos Bulosan and a Collective Outline for Critical Filipina and Filipino Studies”, University of Portland Pilot Scholars (2014)
Rhacel Salazar Parrenas, “‘White Trash’ Meets the ‘Little Brown Monkeys’: The Taxi Dance Hall as a Site of Interracial and Gender Alliances between White Working Class Women and Filipino Immigrant Men in the 1920s and 30s” Amerasia Journal (1998)
Created by Daniel Nero (Bulosan Center Intern, 2020) & Jason Sarmiento