Lorraine Agtang collection
Lorraine Agtang collection
The Lorraine Agtang collection primarily features photographs regarding Filipino American farmworker history, Agbayani Village and the 1973 Grape Strike.
Collection Items
Philip Vera Cruz' Obituary
Obituary written by an unidentified Agbayani Village volunteer. The Obituary is accompanied by a poem written by Vera Cruz, titled "Profits of the Enslaved."
Letter from a Manong by Sebastian Sahugan
Sebastian Sahugan, longtime photographer for both AWOC and UFW, shares his thoughts on Filipino Americans, farmworker activism, and Agbayani village.
Platon Agtang and Rudy Mostajo
Platon Agtang, Father of Lorraine Agtang, poses with a young Rudy Mostajo
Photograph of Lorraine Agtang, George Agtang, Frank Agtang and Freddie Agbayani
Group photgraph and nearby labor camp at Delano, California
Filipino migrant workers aboard ship
Filipino immigrants pose for a photograph while aboard a passenger ship headed to the United States
Filipino migrant workers at labor camp
Pete Ballesteros (pictured on the right) and an unnamed associate posing nearby a labor camp in Central California
Construction of Agbayani Village, courtyard
Construction photographs of Agbayani Village and the courtyard
Volunteers help construct Agbayani Village
Volunteers from Los Angeles and the Bay Area traveled to Delano to help construct Agbayani Village. Volunteers comprised of different ethnic groups.
Car Give-a-way by Filipino Community of K and 7, CUS
Unidentified man standing next to a give-a-way car.
Manong Antonio Armington
Manong Antonio Armington poses at Agbayani Village. Armington served as Agbayani Village's cook
Manong Sebastian Sahagun
Manong Sebastian Sahagun poses at Agbayani Village. Sahagun served as Agbayani Villages photographer, along as one of the photographers for AWOC and later the UFW.
Manong Catalino Taclibon
Manong Catalino Taclibon, veteran of both AWOC and the UFW, poses at Agbayani Village.
Manongs Willie Barrientos and Ben Abad
Manongs Willie Barrientos and Bend Abad, veterans of both AWOC and UFW, pose at Agbayani Village.
Manong Candido Feliciano
Manong Candido Feliciano, veteran of both the AWOC and UFW, at Agbayani Village.
The Manongs at Agbayani Village
Several Manongs pictured at Agbayani Village. These elderly Filipino American farmworker activist worked for both AWOC and the UFW.
Manong Sebastian Sahagan
Manong Sebastian Sahagan, veteran of both AWOC and UFW, pictured at Agbayani Village. Sahagan served as a photgrapher for UFW.
The Manongs of Agbayani Village, 2
Group photograph of the Manongs of Agbayani Village. From left to right: unnamed, Willie Barrientos, Philip Vera Cruz, Marcos Ramos, Marriano Esquira, unnamed, Marcel Domingo, Catalino Taclibon , Sebastian sahagan, Severino Manglio, Celedonio La…
Construction of Agbayani Village - Wall Construction
Agbayani Village was constructed thanks to the help of volunteers from Los Angeles and the Bay Area. In this photograph, a volunteer is working on interior wall beams.
Agbayani Village - Roof Tiling
Agbayani Village was constructed to house aging Filipino American farmworker veterans of both AWOC and the UFW. In this photograph, tiling is being prepared to place on the roof.
Agbayani Village - Roof Tiling 2
Agbayani Village was constructed to house aging Filipino American farmworker veterans of both AWOC and the UFW. In this photograph, tiling is being prepared to place on the roof.
Agbayani Village - Construction
Agbayani Village was constructed to house aging Filipino American farmworker veterans of both AWOC and the UFW.
Agbayani Village - Courtyard Construction
Agbayani Village was constructed to house aging Filipino American farmworker veterans of both AWOC and the UFW. In this photograph, tiling is being prepared to place on the roof.
Agbayani Village - Courtyard construction (roof view)
Agbayani Village was constructed to house aging Filipino American farmworker veterans of both AWOC and the UFW.
Agbayani Village Courtard Construction and tree planting
Agbayani Village was constructed to house aging Filipino American farmworker veterans of both AWOC and the UFW.
Filipino migrant workers at Fukui Photo Studio
Filipinos Americans posing at Fukui Photo Studio at Stockton, California
1973 Grape Strike: Filipino, Mexican and Puerto Rican Flags
United Farm Workers members and supporters displaying Filipino, UFW and Puerto Rican flags.
1973 UFW Strike: Picket Lines
One of the several picket lines organized by the United Farm Workers during the 1973 Strikes.
Picket lines during the 1973 Strike
Photograph of one of many picket lines during the 1973 Strike. After a series of "Sweetheart" contracts between Delano's table grape growers and the Teamsters, the UFW once again took to the picket lines.
UFW March during the 1973 Strike
After a series of "Sweetheart" contracts between Delano's table grape growers and the Teamsters, the UFW once again took to the streets, organizing various marches in California and around the country.
UFW March during the 1973 Strike (Image 2)
After a series of "Sweetheart" contracts between Delano's table grape growers and the Teamsters, the UFW once again took to the streets, organizing various marches in California and around the country. This photograph details a UFW protest march…
Philip Vera Cruz & UFW members at Agbayani Village
Photograph of UFW 2nd Vice President Philip Vera Cruz and UFW members and volunteers. One of Vera Cruz' duties as 2nd Vice President was to oversee the construction of Agbayani Village, a retirement home for aging Filipino strikers.
UFW March during the 1973 Strike (Image 3)
After a series of "Sweetheart" contracts between Delano's table grape growers and the Teamsters, the UFW once again took to the streets, organizing various marches in California and around the country. This photograph details a UFW protest march…
Filipino American UFW members
As the United Farm Workers resumed strike activities against Delano's table grape growers, Filipino American UFW members rejoined their union brothers and sisters on the picket lines. This photograph shows Filipino American UFW members on the picket…
"Boycott Gallo" signs on overpass
After a series of "Sweetheart" contracts between Delano's table grape growers and the Teamsters, the UFW once again took to the streets, organizing various protest in California and around the country. In this photograph, UFW members hold signs that…
UFW organizers picketing near grape fields
Photograph showing UFW members picketing near grape fields during the 1973 strike.
UFW organizers on the picket line, 1973 Strike.
Organizers from the United Farm Workers Union pose near a picket line.
UFW supporters on a picket line
UFW organizers on a picket line during the 1973 strike. After a series of "Sweetheart" contracts between Delano's table grape growers and the Teamsters, the UFW once again took to the picket lines, organizing various protest in California and around…
Grape fields near an aqueduct
Photograph of grape fields, presumably taken during the 1973 grape strike.
UFW Mass held outside Bakersfield Jail
Mass is held on behalf of an imprisoned UFW demonstrator outside of the Bakersfield Jail.
The Manongs join the picket line during the 1973 Grape Strike
As the United Farm Workers resumed strike activities against Delano's table grape growers, Filipino American UFW members rejoined their union brothers and sisters on the picket lines. This image shows a select few Filipino American members of the…