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- Subject is exactly "Filipino Americans -- Political activity -- Politics and government -- 20th century"
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Philip Vera Cruz Oral History Transcript, Interview 1

Oral history interview of Philip Vera Cruz, conducted by Linda Mabalot. Vera Cruz accounts Filipino migrant labor patterns in Western United States,…
1978 Convention- Minutes, Event Programs, Committee Rules, Correspondences (Fenkell Papers, Box 1, Folder 21)
Promotional, planning , and fundraising material for the 1978 Far West Convention. Includes Filipino Sacramentan fundraising efforts with "Vision of a War Bride" presentation.
Coalition Against Marcos Dictatorship-Philippines Solidarity Network - Memos and Guidelines (Fenkell Papers, Box 1, Folder 5)
Documents pertaining to CAMD/PSN activities in 1984, along with memos and guidelines. This folder also contains a comprehensive listing of political assassinations conducted by the Marcos regime in the Philippines (See Fact Sheet: Fraud, Killings,…
Coalition Against Marcos Dictatorship-Philippines Solidarity Network, Caroling Campaign (Fenkell Papers, Box 1, Folder 4)
Details the 1983-1984 Caroling Campaign, including song lyrics, goals, time frame and talking points.
Committee for Justice for Domingo & Viernes - Press Release, Articles, Memorandums (Fenkell Papers, Box 1, Folder 3)
Documents pertaining to the Assassination of Silme Domingo and Gene Viernes.
Anti-Martial Law Coalition (National & Local Chapters), Bulletins, Guidelines, Articles (Fenkell Papers, Box 1, Folder 2)
Documents pertaining to the Anti Martial Law Coalition's national endeavors, including the Christmas campaign, building local alliances, newsletter publications, U.S. Bases in the Philippines, and annual schedules.