Taliba, Articles, & Drafts (Fenkell Papers, Box 1, Folder 19)
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(News Flash/ Commentary )
(formerly the Anti-Martial Law Coalition-Philippines, AMLC)
Volume VI, Number 1
January, 1982
US-RP Extradition Treaty
Filipinos in the United States are faced with an imme-
the power to determine whether an act is political or
diate danger. The Marcos government and the Reagan
not. As everyone knows, Marcos can have a heyday with this
administration are preparing the ground for an extradition
provision alone!
process which will enable the dictatorship to retaliate
Even if ratified, the treaty can not be immediately
against its critics here. Extradition is a process by which a
implemented because some of its provisions contradict the
person in another country is arrested and sent to the
present U.S. Extradition law. However, Marcos' friends are
requesting country to face trial. Once in operation, this
coming to the rescue. The State Department is working with
extradition process could inhibit the free expression of
Congress conservatives such as Sen. Strom Thurmond to
political beliefs in the Filipino community here. It could
change this law so that it can accomodate the US-RP
mean the legalized extension of martial rule to the communi-
treaty and others like it. There are now bills (HR 5227; SB
ty in the U.S.
1639) prepared by the State Department and its allies
pending in Congress which if passed will transfer the power
to determine whether a crime is political or not, from the
The US-RP Extradition Treaty now awaiting ratification in
courts to the Secretary of State. In addition, if the bills
the Senate will make it possible for Marcos to ask for the
become law. a person accused of an extraditable crime can
extradition of Filipino and U.S. citizens deemed to have
be immediately jailed for up to 60 days-at the mere
committed acts that are considered crimes by both the
request of a foreign government!
Philippines and the U.S. These include crimes which are not
listed in the treaty and which the two governments may even
have different names for. Also. a person who may not even
Yet Marcos has not even waited for the treaty to be
have set foot in the Philippines could be extradited if
ratified to begin extradition proceedings against U.S. based
charged with conspiracy, for example. In extradition procee-
opponents. On Jan. 5, Marcos issued arrest warrants for 40
dings, hearsay is accepted evidence. The US-RP treaty
persons many of whom are living in the U.S. (Bulletin
supposedly excludes political crimes from extradition.
Today, 1/6/82). The list includes Benigno Aquino, MFP's
But it allows the Executive Branches of both countries
Raul Manglapus. Steve Psinakis and CAMD's Rene Cruz.
The wanted persons are accused of terrorist bombings
and/or being members of "subversive groups". Manila
The impact of the extradition treaty on the Filipino
announced that the extradition of the U.S. residents will
community is clear. It is not enough that the Consulates are
begin as soon as the treaty is ratified, and of course, as soon
already functioning as spy networks in the community-the
as the U.S. extradition law is changed. Clearly, with the
treaty calls on U.S. state agencies to descend on politically
treaty Marcos is not so much interested in going after
active Filipinos at the request of the Marcos regime. Just the
businessman who are running away from debts, but after his
thought of being investigated by the FBI for possible
political opponents.
extradition is already traumatic for most people. The treaty
How did Marcos determine who should be extradited?
will strengthen Marcos' capacity to intimidate the commu-
With the direct assistance of Sec. Haig who helped arrange
nity into silence. Already politically timid, the community
the current Grand Jury and FBI investigations of the
will be further discouraged from exercising their democratic
Psinakises in connection with the Manila bombings. He had
rights here. The negative effect of this will be felt not only in
other equally appaling assistance as well. To prove that
Phil.-related political activities but even in the struggle
others who may not be linked to the bombings are "subver-
against discrimination.
sives" nonetheless, Marcos used the testimony of LA
The CAMD is not going to stand by and let the Reagan-
Consul Armando Fernandez. The consul admitted in a
Marcos assault bulldoze the community's democratic rights
Manila court that part of his job is to spy on community
without a fight. It has launched the National Committee in
activities here. The subversive group he says, includes the
Opposition to the US-RP Extradition Treaty which
KDP, AMLC (now CAMD), and the MFP. He reported that
includes many Filipino community leaders as well as well-
their "subversive activities" include demonstrations, the
respected scholars and personalities such as Richard Falk,
distribution of literature critical of the regime, fundraising
Professor of International Law at Princeton, Nobel laureate
for anti-Marcos groups back home and "festivals called
George Wald and actor Edward Asner, president of the
Philippine National Day." The grim message then is, even
Screen Actors Guild. The Committee is asking everyone to
for constitutionally protected activities that Fernandez
write letters to the Senate opposing the extradition treaty
reported, one can be the target of extradition.
and the proposed changes in the extradition law (see
addresses below). Even if the treaty pushes through, the
CAMD will fight every attempt by Reagan and Marcos to
Why is the Reagan administration cooperating in the
use it for political ends.
importation of martial rule to the U.S. Filipino community?
The CAMD is calling on all Filipinos to defend their
It fits in very nicely with his own foreign policy. When he
democratic rights by exercising them. Consulate spies must
declared war on "international terrorism" he did not mean
be exposed, isolated and ostracized. All attempts by US
war with Marcos, Chile's Pinochet, S. Korea's Chun, Haiti's
agencies to harass people for their political beliefs must be
Duvalier or El Salvador's Duarte who are all protecting U.S.
made public. The extradition treaty must be defeated. The
interests in their respective countries. Reagan meant war
CAMD has always said that U.S. Filipinos are very much a
on their opponents, whose resistance to dictatorial rule is
part of the fight for freedom in the homeland. The Marcos-
now being painted with the broad brush of "terrorism".
Reagan attempt to muzzle the community is driving home
Resistance to America's dictator friends, under Reagan's
this very point. The Filipino community must show that it
foreign policy, is now being called a crime-not a political
has no intention of abandoning the people back home. It
act. No wonder Sec. of State Alexander Haig supported the
must staunchly oppose the US-RP Extradition Treaty and
proposed changes in the extradition law by telling Congress
Reagan's unjust foreign policy.
that these changes are crucial if the U.S. is to be able to
honor its "international obligations."
Filipinos are not the only victims of this foreign policy.
Already, Salvadoran and Haitian refugees are being deported
back to certain persecution and even death. The recently
imprisoned U.S.-based anti-Duvalier rebels will be facing
extradition. Meanwhile, the "friendly" anti-Castro terrorists who
are openly training in Florida are left untouched. Reagan is
also reviewing other extradition treaties "to modernize"
them, which means the democratic rights of many more
communities are going to be undermined.
Oppose House Bill 5227
Oppose the Ratification of the US-RP Extradition
Write to:
House Judiciary Committee
Write to:
Sub-Committee on Crime
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
c/o Cong. William Hughes
c/o Sen. Charles Percy
U.S. Congress
U.S. Congress
Washington.D.C. 20501
Washington. D.C. 20501
Contact your Local CAMD:
(formerly AMLA)
Geline Avila
Walden Bello
National Co-coordinators
P. O. Box 173
2108 57 TH AVENUE
Oakland, CA 94668
(916) 428- 7856
(News Flash/Commentary )
(formerly the Anti-Martial Law Coalition-Philippines, AMLC)
thereby increasing the number of
seats available (to entice larger
rural participation in the plebis-
The Filipino people need another
cite ; the exercise is also supposed
to increase the size of public
plebiscite like a hole in the head, but
lands available for "land reform").
for the Reagan administration, the Janu-
Clearly the centerpiece of
ary27 plebiscite marks the first step in
the "normalization plan" is the
the U. S. maneuver to maintain its grip on
IBP. It is the key mechanism for
the Philippines now that the political
a smooth and credible succession
strength of its faithful ally-Marcos- is
from now until 1987.
Its Speaker
rapidly deteriorating.
is to preside over the transition
The dictator has not been able to
from a discredited U. S. ally to a
wash his hands of Aquino's blood. The pop-
new set of U.S. allies. The IBP
ular clamor for his resignation is piercing
must, therefore, be deodorized and
his ears. On top of this, the bottom has
cleansed of its image as a Marcos
fallen out of the economy. Marcos is trap-
rubberstamp .
ped. His political isolation has become
With "clean elections" on May
14th, meaning an increase in the
Seeing that their ally has become a
number of opposition seats from the
liability, Marcos' U.S. sponsors are not
measly 12 that exist now, the U.S.
wasting any time embarking on a "normal-
hopes to rid the IBP from the Marco
ization plan" to ease the situation as well
regime's pervasive stink.
With a
as to assure the continuity of their domin-
new and "clean" image for the IBP
ant influence on Philippine affairs.
Marcos ill and lacking any credibility,
the US hopes to keep the restive
they must secure a suitable guardian of U. S.
Filipino public at bay. It could
interests in the country. How can the mass
give Marcos a few more years in
protests be neutralized? Who will protect
power or the opportunity for Marcos
the U. S. bases? These are the concerns pre-
to gracefully "retire" should the
occupying the U. S. White House with regard
heated protests persist.
to the Philippine situation.
At first, Marcos balked at these
"political reforms" suggested by
Washington, intent as he was on des-
In their view, the scheduled May elec-
ignating Imelda as his successor an
tions to the Interim National Assembly (IBP)
on monopolizing political power at
may be the answer. The May election could
all costs . But through "silent di-
give the appearance of the restoration of
plomacy", Washington put on the pres
democratic processes and at the same time,
sure , even sending Reagan's hatchet
put into place a key mechanism for an order
men, John Monjo , General Vernon
ly succession from Marcos to a new set of
Walters, and ominously, former CIA
U. S. -backed beaurocrats.
Washington hopes
coup expert Col. Edward Lansdale
that the process would pacify a population
to Malacanang.
clamoring for an end to Marcos' one man
US Ambassador, Michael Arma-
rule .
cost, has been busy giving warning
The January 27th plebiscite is meant
signals to Marcos to toe the US
to give a "legal blessing" to the ground-
line. As well, Armacost has been
works necessary for a credible election in
busy meeting opposition leaders in
May. It is supposed to amend Marcos' con-
his Forbes Park backyard, trying
stitution abolishing the Executive Commit-
convince them to cooperate with
tee for succession and re- instituting in-
the US normalization scenario.
stead, the Vice-Presidency in 1987. Mean-
Without too many options left,
while, should Marcos die or become incapac-
Marcos has decided to go along-
itated before 1987, the IBP Speaker is sup-
he cannot risk increasing the dis
posed to take over, convene a caretaker
pleasure of his US godfather d
government, and call for elections in 60
these times . Begrudgingly, he
days. The plebiscite is also supposed to
offerthe above mentioned co.
call for representation to the IBP from its
sions to the legal oppositi
regional character to a provincial one,
betraying the hollowness of t.
concessions, he quickly announced his
intentions to secure sweeping electoral
refuse to man the polls or again be
victories for his KBL party. He has
coerced into becoming the regime's in-
even gone so far as to predict that only
strumentsfor defrauding the people.
20-30 IBP seats will to to the opposition.
Despite the strong wave of sentiments
for a boycott, some of the traditional
opposition are still wafflict have
But concession or no concession,
ill-concieved hopes for the coming
the Filipino people cannot be pursuaded
that his next visit to the polls will be
Salvador Laurel's United Nationalist
any different from the last ones.
Democratic Organization (UNIDO) is giv-
They know they don't need any
ing "democracy one last try". As if
Pleb-bwisit to amend the 1973 constitu-
there is any real democracy in being
tion cooked up by Marcos, and that what
part of a rubberstamp body . Laurel has
they need is to junk that charter alto-
warned that a boycott will bring the
country "a step closer to violent con-
Neither are they fooled with elec-
frontation", as if the regime is not
tions held under the tight reins of the
violent enough and as if another elec-
repressive U. S. -Marcos alliance. They .
tion will minimize the violence that
know that this coming electoral farce
has already bloodied the doorstep of
is only meant to paint a new layer of
the legal opposition.
cosmetics on the hated face of the regime.
The Nationalista Party, the Liberal
As for the IBP, there is the joke
Party, and PDP, LABAN have thrown their
that it does not say yes to Marcos all
hats in the ring, despite the fact that
the time; it also says no - when Marcos
some of their own prominent peers, like
says no. No amount of laundering will
Senator Jovito Salonga and former Pres-
wash away IBP's rubberstamp image , for
ident Diosdado Macapagal, have tagged
the very existence of this body depends
this election as another attempt to
largely on Marcos' own arbitrary powers.
legitimize the regime.
The organized opposition in the
The growing boycott movement is a
Philippines is quick to show that it can-
concrete expression of the Filipino
not be fooled by the US-Marcos maneuver.
people's rejection of the new US-
To Washington's dismay, the movement to
Marcos "normalization plan", No amount
boycott the plebiscite and the May elec-
of sugarcoating will cover up the US'
tion is already gaining momentum.
real motive. No amount of cosmetics can
Demanding no less than dismantling
beautify the bloated face of a regime
the US-Marcos dictatorship, the National
sinking in a terminal crisis.
Alliance for Justice, Freedom and Democ-
We, Filipinos in the US and Canada,
racy is exposing the coming elections as
must continue to be vigilant to not
one more deception aimed at legitimizing
fall for the media hype which has al-
an illegal government and an illigitimate
ready begun to surround the plebiscite
and the IBP election. We must frustrate
An official of the Alliance, Father
the renewed attempts of the Reagan
Joe Dizon states "the people do not
administration to convince world opin-
need the Batasang, only the regime
ion that these electoral exercises
needs it."
will bring the Filipino peoples' lives
The prestigious Catholic Bishops
"back to normal" or that they consti-
Conference of the Philippines issued
tute the first steps toward "demo-
a statement approving the peoples'
"moral right" to join the boycott.
It is by consistently supporting
The National Priests and Religious
the real demands of the Filipino
Union and the Concerned priests of
people that we can contribute our
Manila have endorsed the boycott. So
share in their struggle for real
have Kaakbay, a nationalist grouping
democracy. Marcos and his one-man
led by Jose Diokno, and the Justice
laws must go. Political freedoms
for Aquino, Justice for All Movement
must be genuinely restored. Polit-
(JAJAM) led by Lorenzo Tanada, which
ical prisoners must be released. U.S.
sprang out of the frenzied events
interference in Philippine internal
following the Aquino assassination.
affairs must end.
By a majority vote of 2, 000 dele-
The plebiscite is meaningless.
gates, the Congreso Ng Mamamayang
The May election --a deception.
Pilipino (CONPIL) decided to boycott
unless Marcos satisfies five impor-
Write your families and friends
tant requirements, including the re-
back home to support the boycott
peal of his power to issue decrees and
to detain anyone indefinitely without
Write to your representatives
CONPIL's chairman, Agapito Aquino,
in the US Congress.
brother of the slain senator, boasts
of having members "as far right as
Cardinal Sin and as far left as Jose
Maria Sison."
Sectoral organizations have joined
the boycott movement: Progressive
PO. BOX 17:3
Labor Federation, Kilusang Mayo Uno , KMU,
and the Alliance of Concerned Teachers,
info on educationals , video
materials , housemeetings
who have declared that teachers will
(News Flash/Commentary )
A Publication of the Anti-Martial Law Coalition (Philippines)
VOLUME 3, Number 2
Carter to Host Philippine Dictator-
Two recent events leave no doubt as to the character of the Philippine martial law regime on the one
hand and the substance of the human rights foreign policy of the Carter Administration on the other.
On February 1, Agence France Presse reported that Philippine dictator Marcos is scheduled to visit the
U.S. sometime in late February or early March upon the invitation of President Carter. This report was
followed by a State Department report dated February 8, admitting that the Marcos regime uses torture,
even murder, in dealing with dissidents to its unpopular rule.
against the widespread opposition to the martial law
For his part, the dictator can now breathe easier with
this assurance of continued U.S. support for his one-man
rule. He has now shamelessly dropped all nationalist
posturing laying bare for the whole world to see, his
unmistakeable dependence to the U.S. Among his heinous
crimes against the Filipino people will now count the
selling of Philippine sovereignty in exchange for the
dubious privilege of flying a Philippine flag over the bases
and having a Filipino commander whose only duty will be
to "command" that portion of the bases where there are
no military facilities.
Hand in hand with these "paper changes," the dictator
is now prattling about returning the country back to
normalcy. It has for instance dangled the promise of local
elections to a population that is understandably cynical
about any "democratic processes" under a regime that
has continuously attempted to legitimize itself in five
referenda and one national election through the twin use
of fraud and armed force.
The planned visit to the U.S. is no doubt meant to cap
Both reports are significant. While the revelation of the this normalization scheme by making the Filipino people
regime's human rights record comes as no big surprise to
and the American people believe that things are indeed
many since the Marcos dictatorship has long been
back to normal.
denounced by human rights watchdog agencies such as
But it will take more than a dinner at the White House
Amnesty International, International Commission of to disguise the fascist character of the Marcos regime. No
Jurists, what is more revealing is the fact that its sordid talk of normalization can hide the fact that under this
record has in no way discouraged that purported human bankrupt dictatorship, close to one million Filipinos have
rights advocate, the Carter Administration, from extend- been turned into refugees by its brutal military campaigns
ing an invitation to the Philippine dictator.
and no less inhuman economic policies that place foreign
The State Department while neither confirming nor
investment over the needs of the Filipino people. Being
denying the report can only lamely say that the visit is not hosted by Jimmy Carter will not add any shine to its
an official state visit, but a "private" one. Nonetheless,
tarnished image as a gross violator of human rights, a
they did admit that a reception is being planned for the regime that solves the problem of political prisoners by
dictator by the White House.
the simple expedient of not taking any political prisoners
This stance of officially keeping at arm's length the
- alive.
brutal dictatorship while objectively supporting it, is
The Filipino people and all progressive people of this
typical of the Carter Administration's hypocritical foreign
country must give this dictator the reception he deserves.
policy. While making loud pronouncements about human
We must teach this dictator that wherever he goes, he has
rights as the cornerstone of its foreign policy, in the same
to account for his crimes against the Filipino people.
breath it concludes an agreement with the repressive
Likewise, we must teach Jimmy Carter that his pious
dictator which in essence extends its lifeline for the next
preachings about human rights has long been exposed as
five years. In the beginning of this year, President Carter
all hot air and no muscle. We must expose the dictator
and President Marcos announced an executive agreement
Marcos and Jimmy Carter as the biggest "human rights
regarding the U.S. bases in the Philippines which
masqueraders" of our time. _
provides for over $1 billion compensation to the Marcos
regime. This financial commitment (which cleverly took
the form of an executive agreement thus skirting any
discussion of this controversial issue in the U.S. Congress
where it was expected to meet staunch opposition) is
thinly disguised U.S. aid to the isolated regime whose
Sacramento AMLA Center
existence would otherwise be in jeopardy. The new
2108 - 57th Avenue
agreement is also ominous because it increases the
Sacramento, CA 95822
likelihood of direct U.S. military intervention in the
Philippine internal affairs by providing legal justification
(916) 428-7856 or (916) 966-5698
for U.S. participation in counterinsurgency operations
(News Flash/Commentary )
A Publication of the Anti-Martial Law Coalition (Philippines)
VOL. 3, NO. 3
APRIL 1979
AMLC Pressure Succeeds-
Marcos Cancels U.S. Visit in Fear of Protests
President Marcos' planned state visit coincided
with the recently concluded U.S.-R.P. Military
Bases Agreement signed in January, 1979.
Under the guise of "bases rental" for such
facilities as Subic Naval Base (right), Marcos
received a 150% increase ($500 million for the
(picture credit; Harvard Magazine)
next five years) in U.S. aid, plus $1 billion in
economic aid.
Aerial view of Subic Naval Base in Olongapo, Zambales Province, Philippines.
Recent issues of rabid pro-Marcos newspapers
Aside from the horse's mouth, so to speak, the
such as Filipino Reporter and the Bataan News
other reliable sources of AMLC include:
(based in Stockton, Calif.) have accused the
Agence France Presse in its Jan. Ist news release
anti-martial law movement, the Anti-Martial Law
reported that Marcos was coming in early March.
Coalition in particular, of spreading "rumors" and
Last Feb. 22, a member of the Congress
engaging in idle speculation with regards to the
Education Project (CEP, an organization based in
Marcos state visit to Washington, D.C., originally
Washington, D.C.), called an aide of Hal Brooke
projected to be in March. A look at the facts,
(Undersecretary of State) whose response was
however, will show that this is not the case. In fact
'maybe, but not official."
it is the Marcos-controlled media itself which was
On March 1, CEP also called Rep. Lester Wolf's
the first to trumpet Marcos' upcoming visit by
aide who confirmed that Marcos was coming
floating trial balloons. Teodora Valencia, well-
mid-March to late March to "appeal to the
known for his his "close ties" with the Philippine
business community." (By this, we assume for
dictator (like mouthing the dictator's line on all
further penetration of U.S. investment in the
issues without fail) raised in a February issue of
the Filipino Reporter that, "It's about time Marcos
Several calls were also placed to the State
comes to the U.S." Another publication, the
Department by congresspeople nationwide, upon
ASIAWEEK, also well-known for having close ties
the prodding of anti-martial law alliances who sent
to Malacanang, in its Feb. 23, 1979 issue wrote :
delegates to their representatives and senators.
"When would Marcos go? A presidential aide told
The State Department at various times confirmed
ASIA WEEK's Antonio Lopez that his boss "has a.
the visit ("It's a private visit.") and, not
standing invitation from Carter . . .
unexpectedly tried to remain vague about the
sources intimated that the date would be either in
whole affair.
spring or summer, "that is, sometime between
As the above information shows, contrary to
March and August. Insiders, however, are betting
what the pro-Marcos papers want us to believe,
on next month. .
these are hard facts not based on "rumors" nor
(News Flash/Commentary )
A Publication of the Anti-Martial Law Coalition (Philippines)
The Filipino people have repeatedly demanded the removal of U.S. bases from Philippine soil.
On New Year's Day, 1979, President Jimmy Carter fully exposed the hypocrisy of his well-publicized
concern for human rights along with his pretense of mild disapproval for the regime of President Ferdinand
E. Marcos of the Philippines. On that day, Carter and Marcos announced the conclusion of several years
negotiations over U.S. bases in the Philippines. Proudly they revealed that the governments of the two
countries had arrived at an "Executive Agreement" concerning the bases. Key points of this agreement
involve the payment of $500 million in "compensation" to the Marcos government over the next five years
and certain superficial changes billed as increased Philippine control over the bases.
The agreement reveals the undeniable collusion
$475 million is pure military aid to the Marcos regime.
between Carter and Marcos - two cronies who, for over
For the next three years, the agreement mandates a full
a year, have performed a sometimes convincing act of
$125 million per year as "compensation" in addition to
mutual dislike.
the $37 million which is part of the regular U.S. military
Deception runs through every aspect of the new
assistance to the Philippines. This will bring U.S.
"Excecutive Agreement." Major changes have been
military assistance to the repressive Marcos regime up to
made in the 1947 Bases Treaty. Chief among these is the
$162 million, over four times the current figure.
payment of rent - which has been innocently labeled
But why have the negotiators been forced to adopt
'compensation" - to the Marcos government. Yet in
such patently undemocratic and deceptive tactics to
spite of what is actually a treaty renegotiation, the Carter
achieve their goals and to tack on to their agreement a
Administration has carefully labeled the outcome not a
series of measures which are supposedly designed to
new "treaty," but an "Executive Agreement."
insure a measure of Philippine control over the bases?
This seemingly trifling difference is tremendously
The answer lies in the unpopularity of the Marcos
important. A new treaty must be approved by the U.S.
dictatorship both in the Philippines and the United
Senate and be opened for discussion by the American
States. The repressive character of this faithful U.S. ally
people. An Executive Agreement is exactly what it
has made it both thoroughly hated at home and
says - an agreement between two heads of state. In one
extremely controversial in the United States. A new
careful choice of terms, the Carter-Marcos team has
treaty with the Philippine dictator would have stirred up
managed to avoid public discussion on a highly
a debate which might have proven uncomfortable for
controversial issue - whether the bases should remain in
both heads of state.
the Philippines at all, bypass the role of Congress in
The new "Agreement" claims that, through a series
approving major foreign policy decisions, and narrow the
of cosmetic moves, Philippine control over the
issue to a simple matter of Congressional approval over a
bases has been increased. Filipino base commanders
budget appropriation. Brilliant!
are to be installed and each base will fly the
Even the terms of the "Agreement" itself are
Philippine flag. The land area of the base is to be
deceptive. The $500 million figure has been reported as
somewhat reduced. Perimeter security has been turned
combined economic and military aid. In fact, only $25
over to the Armed Forces of the Philippines with some
million is to be used for economic aid. The remaining
provisions for joint control in certain areas. Yet the
Taliba, January 1979
Page 2
'Agreement" contains not a word concerning Philippine
This damage is felt not only in broad social terms but
jurisdiction over American servicemen who commit
in specific military situations as well. The bases have
crimes against Filipinos. There is no guarantee
been used repeatedly for intervention in Philippine
whatsoever that American soldiers who in the future
affairs. Prior to the declaration of martial law,
mistake Filipinos for "wild boars" and kill them will not
Congressional testimony reveals they were used against
be abruptly transferred out of the country as in years
the Huks and, more recently, they have been used
past. This is Philippine control?
against the New People's Army. Immediately after the
Why has this charade of Philippine control over the
declaration of martial law in 1972, the entire modern
bases become necessary?
fighter component of the Philippine Air Force - a
Because the Filipino people have come increasingly to
squadron of F-5's - was based at Clark Air Field at a
see the U.S. bases in their homeland as, in the words of
time when it was reportedly carrying out bombing
the Civil Liberties Union of the Philippines, "an affront
missions over Isabela.
to Philippine sovereignty."
The Filipino people recognize that such intervention is
What is the role of the U.S. bases in the Philippines?
likely not only to continue, but to increase, as long as the
According to the 1947 bases agreement, their purpose
bases remain on their soil. The wording of the 1947
is two-fold: to "protect U.S. security interests in Asia"
treaty clearly invites the U.S. to slide into internal
and to "insure the territorial integrity of the Philip-
involvement in the Philippines without the slightest
pines. " Numerous spokesmen for the U.S. government,
obstacle. Whereas previously U.S. intervention in the
even several from the Department of Defense, however,
country has been indirect and covert, the new
have agreed with Filipino nationalists that external
"Agreement" with its cooperative security arrange-
aggression is not a threat to the Philippines. The bases
ments dramatically increases the possibility of direct and
thus remain principally to "protect U.S. security
open intervention. The "Agreement" brings one step
interests in Asia."
closer the possibility of sending U.S. troops to the
Filipinos have come increasingly to resent the role of
Philippines to intervene in the country's growing
these bases as launching pads for U.S. aggression and
domestic conflicts.
intervention in the internal affairs of other countries.
Not only do U.S. bases on Philippine soil invite U.S.
Filipinos wish to dissociate themselves altogether from
intervention in Philippine affairs, they represent a
situations like the Vietnam War when bombing missions
serious threat to the "territorial integrity of the
against the Vietnamese originated from Clark Air Base.
Philippines" which the Treaty claims they are supposed
Only a few days ago, on Dec. 29, 1978, the Defense
to protect. It has long been known that these bases are
Department announced that a naval task force and the
major storage sites for nuclear weapons. This makes
nuclear-capable carrier Constellation had left Subic
them into key strategic targets for any enemy of the
Naval Base enroute to the Indian Ocean. Speculation
U.S., should the U.S. be drawn into a major armed
suggested that its mission was to respond to develop-
ments in Iran and possibly to aid one of the world's most
The Filipino people have no desire to be blown to bits
despised dictators whose entire nation has risen up
in another man's war. Nor do they wish to have
against him.
foreigners, armed and strategically located on their own
Yet many have argued that the bases are actually
soil, intervene in their own affairs and dictate the course
beneficial to the Philippines because they provide both
of their history. The Filipino people do not need or want
employment for a large number of Filipinos and because
the economic impetus to turn their people into pimps,
base spending pumps dollars into the Philippine
prostitutes, dope-peddlers, and black marketeers. They
economy. Their removal, supporters of the bases have
do not want to see an inch of their territory used to
argued, would mean a massive economic dislocation.
launch aggressive action against peoples of other
The Filipino people have taken a closer look at the
countries. The Filipino people want the bases out. The
economic impact of the bases on the country and have
Anti-Martial Law Coalition full supports their desire and
come up with some surprising discoveries. The bases in
calls on all Filipino and American people to support their
fact employ less than one percent of the Philippine
demand to remove all U.S. bases from the Philippines.
non-agricultural labor force. Further, while it is true that
the base economy has a major impact on the Philippines,
Philippine economic and political institutions have
absolutely no control over it. The wages spent by
thousands of U.S. servicemen in the Philippines have a
highly inflationary effect. As one economist put it, they
"add to the total demand in the economy without
increasing the supply of new goods because the soldier
spends his pay on things he has not produced and the
munitions worker does not go out and buy a tank."
Filipinos have reexamined the character of the
so-called "growth industries" spawned by the bases.
Where have all those dollars pumped by U.S.
servicemen into the Philippine economy gone and what
has been the result socially? The principal industry
stimulated by the base economy has been prostitution
and related entertainment activities. Angeles City, site
of Clark Air Base, boasts of over 500 bars and brothels
Olongapo City, site of Subic Naval Base contains at least
Rene Cruz, National Coordinator
12,000 prostitutes who form a full 10 percent of the city's
P.O. Box 540
Woodside, N. Y. 11377
Another major industry spawned by the bases is the
(212) 898-1969
procurement and sale of illegal drugs to U.S.
servicemen. Since the Philippines does not produce
heroin, this has meant developing smuggling rings from
the "Golden Triangle" of Thailand and Burma. Another
flourishing base-related industry is the black market in
PX goods.
2108 57th Ave.
All three of these industries have stimulated a rise in
organized crime. They can hardly be labeled beneficial to
the Filipino people. In fact, the social damage these
Or 966-3593
institutions do is immeasurable.
August 1984.
One year after the Aquino assassination
It has been a year since thousands of festive yellow ribbons
Collantes leads a group of 30 KBL and independent parliament
which were to herald a welcome for the returning opposition leader,
tarians in supporting Aquilino Pimentel's resolution demanding
Benigno Aquino, Jr., suddenly unfurled into giant banners that
the repeal of Amendment No. 6 of the Marcos-engineered
screamed outrage over his assassination at the Manila Inter-
Constitution. Amendment No. 6 gives Marcos power to make laws
national Airport.
beyond the reach of the Assembly or the judiciary.
Today, the dictator Ferdinand Marcos faces essentially the
In an attempt to regain the support of businessmen and members
same political crisis that threatens the continuation of his absolute
of the traditional opposition, Marcos devised non-partisan calls for
rule. The agitation of the Filipino people to oust him and end the
them to join him in resolving the political and economic problems
dictatorship remains the catalyst that spells his doom.
plaguing his regime. But when he reconstituted his cabinet, the
same old familiar faces showed up, including that of his wife,
The downward spiral of the Philippine economy cannot be
arrested even as the Reagan administration infuses life-giving aid
and promises to release $180 million of the $900 million rental it
While the sham election momentarily divided the broad opposition
agreed to pay for the maintenance of U.S. military bases at Subic
into advocates of participation and those of boycott, the unanimous
and Clark. The long-awaited $650 million from the International
call for Marcos' ouster echoes both in the Batasan (Assembly),
Monetary Fund constitutes but another gasp before a fatal
and in the "parliament of the streets."
Marcos fully intends to widen the gap in the opposition by
In its desperation to stay in power for as long as it can, the
stepping up his strident anti-communist attacks and military
Marcos regime has narrowed down its choice to two alternate
violence against the militant protest movement. "It is not the
options: deception and military reprisal.
opposition who is the enemy of the people, but the subversives," he
But the Filipino people have not been waylaid in their deter-
mined path towards democratization. They have no other option.
On the opening day of the Batasan last July 23, 2,000 riot police
used truncheons, tear gas and pillbox bombs to scuttle a de-
The election of 65 opposition UNIDO candidates in the May 14
monstration of 25,000 people who came to listen to former senator
National Assembly election went beyond the 20 to 30 seats
Lorenzo Tanada give an address of the "true state of the nation.'
Marcos had predicted. Still it gave him reason to crow that
democracy has prevailed.
In the month preceding, Marcos had ordered a rapid succession
of repressive measures to put a lid on the unrest produced by a new
Although the rules are heavily stacked against the minority party
set of restrictive economic decrees which set prices rocketing and
in the Assembly, it has been bolstered by disgruntled members of
plunged the peso to P18 to $1.
Marcos' Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (KBL) party. Manuel
- Date Added
- April 16, 2021
- Collection
- Fenkell Family collection
- Item Type
- Text
- Citation
- Taliba, “Taliba, Articles, & Drafts (Fenkell Papers, Box 1, Folder 19),” Welga Archive - Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies, accessed February 18, 2025, https://welgadigitalarchive.omeka.net/items/show/754.