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  • Tags: Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee

Opening statement by Johnny Itliong, commemorating the accomplishments of the Filipino strikers of the Delano Grape Strike, along with commemorating Dawn Mabalon

Correspondence between NLRB Regional Director Roy O. Hoffman regarding the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee

Articles details split between unionized Filipinos and non-unionized Filipinos during the early years of the Delano Grape Strike

Articles detail ILWU sympathy and support for the AWOC-NFWA grape trike in San Francisco

Details AWOC's disputes with the Bracero Program

Details AWOC's labor disputes regarding wages, the Bracero Program, and disability insurance benefits

Article detailing the history of the United Farm Workers and its relationship between FIlipino Americans and other ethnic groups.

Oral history interview of Philip Vera Cruz, conducted by Linda Mabalot. Vera Cruz accounts Filipino migrant labor patterns in Western United States, his own membership in the United Farm Workers, Agbayani Village, and Mexican-Filipino relations in…

Oral history interview of Philip Vera Cruz, conducted by Linda Mabalot. Vera Cruz accounts Filipino migrant labor patterns in Western United States, along with his sentiments regarding the United Farm Workers.

Oral history interview of Willie Barrientos, conducted by Linda Mabalot. Barrientos accounts Filipino migrant labor patterns in Western United States, his own membership in the United Farm Workers, Agbayani Village, and Mexican-Filipino relations in…

An interview by Ang Katipunan, containing an interview with Philip Vera Cruz. Vera Cruz explains his reasons for resigning from the union, his grievances towards Cesar Chavez and the role of Filipino Americans in the United Farm Workers.

Lorraine Agtang was a UFW organizer during the 1970s and served the first manager for Agbayani Village. In this oral history interview, Lorraine recounts her early experiences as a farmworker, along with her experiences in both the 1965 Delano Grape…
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